Monday, July 23, 2007

Toxic Cocktails Day 2

Went in for my second round of vaccination/immunizations.

Decided to go for the Rabies too. The company's paying for it. Why not?

Side-effects weren't so bad this time. The Japanese E. burns going in, but it's not so bad.

The office is kind of funny. It's an occupational health/travel medicine place, so it mostly has people for drug tests, work site injuries and me getting rabies shots.

The rabies adds a forth day to my vaccination schedule. At least it will be only one shot that day.

I ordered my Lonely Planet Himalayan Trekking book today. Confirmation from my counterpart in India says they really are only a half-days train ride away. Looks like I'll be taking the night train out of Delhi to be playing in the snow Saturday mornings. Should be some fun adventures.

- b


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