Monday, July 9, 2007

Bang Head Here

Went up to Thorpe for a group ride on Sunday. The group was huge. I think the count was thirty-seven riders. When you turned a corner, it looked like a parade in front or behind you. It was huge.

I wasn't at the top of my game. Still feeling slow and worn out from June I guess. I settled in somewhere near the back of the pack and concentrated on just riding everything. Went pretty well for a while, then I made a mistake. This local guy Werner went down a hill that I know is difficult and totally worthy of getting off and walking. He went down so smooth I figured I'd give it a go.

The first part is a pretty big drop (literally a vertical drop of at least a foot or more) onto the loose/loamy off camber slope. As I dropped in I realized there was a rather large rock (almost football size) directly in my path. I tried to let the front wheel and suspension soak up the rock and roll over it, but the rock moved. For a brief moment I was pushing the rock while my ass end was still on top of the drop and coming down. I guess I panicked and grabbed a handful of front brake. My fork compressed, then launched me and the bike into the air and down slope.

There were reports of me being nearly six feet in the air. I know I was lifted long enough to see the rocks and trees below me that I wanted to avoid when I hit. Pete Rose style I slammed my arms, face, chest then knees into the dirt avoiding the obstacles. Go me! Then the bike came down. Bang! On my head. Ouch. It bounced off my helmet and into the rocks I narrowly avoided. I was covered in dirt. My skin burned with abrasions. My bell was rung.

I pulled myself into a sitting position as a few people ran to help. Some got my bike while others asked if I was ok. I was, but I needed a minute to sit. I took a good long minute. I felt banged up, but otherwise ok. My leg was bleeding. It stopped by the time it reached my sock. I stood up and checked my bike. It got some pretty bad dings and chips.

I walked the next tricky section, then got on and rode off. Dehydration set in shortly afterwards. I had to stop a few times, before we made it to the break point, to drink and eat on my own.

Once caught up with the rest of the group, I got a lot of concerned looks and questions. I was still covered in black dirt. At that point I was more interested in drinking and eating then cleaning. A few people took some pictures, but I have not seen them yet.

We rode for a little while longer. I felt better and even started having fun again. Back at the parking lot we jumped in the Lehigh and washed off.

I got home and Jen had some homemade black raspberry cobbler for desert.

Little bit of medicine to make the headache go away.

Today I'm sore, but not bad. My arms, legs, shoulders and hips are all red with abrasions. That was the second time I've been down that hill. I guess the third time I'll get it.

- b


Blogger rotten said...

i feel your pain, still sore from my lame crash near the end.

July 10, 2007 7:31:00 AM EDT  

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