Sunday, July 8, 2007

Twilight Crit 07

Iron Hill brewery had their third annual Twilight Crit Saturday night. We've gone every year since the first and it gets better each time. Last years was ridiculous with some steroid pumped doper lapping the entire field in the 1-2-pro race. This year we actually knew a bunch of people in the 1-2-pros, so it was a lot more fun to cheer and watch.

We got things started off right with some public beverage consumption. Ever since the first year when Marcus brought a soft cooler (more easily disguised), I had to get one myself.

After some beverages and food, we found a real nice spot in the fourth corner to sit and get a real feel for the action. They were flying. The breeze as they went by was nice and kind of scary. We were literally inches from the racers as they sped out of the corner and up the slight hill to the finish. The pictures came out pretty cool. In some of them, you can see through parts of the racers to background. Very strange speed effect in the exposure of the picture.

As they powered past us, you could hear the bikes stressing under the power of their pedaling.

Local pro Scott Zwizanski worked hard for his teammate who won.

Fatmarc worked hard at being Fatmarc.

Then Jen grabbed the camera and took some cool shots. She set it up to take multiple successive shots with one click of the button. To do this, the camera doesn't use the flash (or she set it not to, not sure which). Anyway it took these ghost-like images of the riders speeding past.

I don't think Jen was too impressed, but I like them.

A few last beverages, then home for the evening.

- b


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