Friday, July 20, 2007

End of Season

I had my first of 3 vaccination/immunization days. The Dr. took an hour to explain to me all the risks and dangers I'll be encountering on my month long stay in India, then gave me a list of optional immunizations/vaccinations I can take to protect myself. A lot of what can happen to me are flue-like symptoms and diarrhea that could last a week or more. Since I hate (absolutely loath) getting that stuff here and certainly don't want to get it halfway around the world (in a third world country), I opted for everything (except rabies, though there's still time).

So now the Dr. is explaining the vaccination/immunization process. Some shots/pills will take the course of a month (3 visits) to be fully effective. In the meantime I may experience some side effects as these weakened (some actually active, but mostly inactive) viruses and bacteria swim through my body. I could experience head-aches, fever, dizziness, nausea, fatigue, etc. as my body fights them and produces anti-bodies to protect me on my trip.

As she's saying all this, I start thinking about my August schedule (been thinking a lot about it lately, 100 miler, two weeks off, 18hr, two weeks off, another 100 miler) and how it resembles my June Schedule. Then I'm thinking how trashed I felt after June, then I'm thinking about these side effects, getting sick and being alone on the other side of the world feverish, puking and pissing out my ass for a week (or more). So I ask her. I throw my August schedule out there for the Dr. to evaluate. She gets a concerned look on her face and tells me she wouldn't "recommend" it.

The least concern is the vaccinations could effect my performance. Next up the list of concern is I could get sick with these weakened things running through me. The biggest concern is my body says FU, I don't have the capacity, I'm not building anti-bodies. Now my vaccination/immunizations are useless and I get sick with jaundice or Japanese Encyphilitis (think West Nile) while I'm halfway around the world by myself in a third world country.

Continuing riding/training and seeing how I feel won't do it. Of course I'll feel fine leading up to an event. It's the effects of the event(s) that make the difference. And there's really no option to "take it easy" in those kinds of events.

These aren't the sniffles I'm worried about. I've heard lots of stories of sick people being flown back to the US for proper care. Sometimes a family member has to fly over first to accompany them because they're so sick.

I am fit, healthy and run little risk of contracting something when I'm in top shape. Doing the kind of events my August calls for would not leave me in top shape. Doing a 100 mile race the week before I leave is too risky.

Historically I've gotten sick each September - body is worn out from training/racing. Granted it's usually a sniffle, but even that would weaken me for the trip let-alone be annoying flying fourteen hours.

It's taken a week or so, but I've come to terms with this. I will lose my chances at third in the NUE series. I will miss the opportunity to race and have fun with my teammates at the 18hr race. It's for the better. It's for other opportunities.

Stay tuned for details on my possible Himalayan trekking adventures!

- b


Anonymous OMR said...

Don't go! I would just claim "medical reasons" and be done with it.

Jobs are fleeting, a 3rd place NUE finish is forever...

July 21, 2007 8:18:00 AM EDT  

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