Friday, July 13, 2007

The Week in Pictures

Just some random pictures/thoughts that showed up this week.

Put a little squish on my bike in preparation for some upcoming races.

Buddy was kind enough to send me the full size version of my misery.

Our lightening detector doubles as an invisible fence for the dog.
When there's lightening, the control unit beeps to let us know.
The line running around the yard is simply a huge antenna. It will
pick up any kind of signal or pulse.
The guys at work
think I should hook it up to speakers during a storm and see

what there is to hear. I'll pass on that supernatural nonsense.

A prize to whoever guesses how old my dad is AND how many
tons of gravel he shoveled himself this week.

Got pretty warm this week, then it rained and cooled off.

The strangest thing happened to Topher's car while we were in the bar
the other night. Must have been a chinook or something.

Though I didn't get any pictures, we had a skunk rumble in our backyard the other night. All kinds of skunk squeals and smells for an hour or so.

- b


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