
Up Again

Two nights in a row now I’ve gotten up with Lauren.

The first night was quick. Without feeding she was back asleep in 30 minutes. I on the other hand couldn’t sleep and ended up on the couch until she woke up again with Jen.

Last night wasn’t as quick. She (i.e. we) woke up at 3:30, but she wouldn’t sleep on her own. I never thought to get her a bottle. She was content in my arms until I was too tired at 5 and handed her over to Jen.

Working until 11pm, then cleaning the kitchen didn’t really help with the lack of sleep. I’ll have to try and not do that tonight.

On the other hand I’ve been struggling with properly dressing Abigail for bed. With the sudden heat wave we had, the house has gotten warmer at night. Nothing crazy, but after months and months of fleece sleepers I’m still dressing her too warm. Within an hour she’s up crying and a sweaty mess. When I do get it right (generally just a t-shirt and pajama bottoms these days), she’s instantly asleep.

poor kids.

what can you expect for just a dad?

– b

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