
We’re a Bunch of Idiots

Is that plain enough?

Language guru: Obama speech too ‘professorial’ for his target audience –

– b

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  • angiebfriedNo Gravatar says:

    Spanish is the first language I learned from my mother and father and in first and second grade. English was the second language I was learning in my first two years of school when my parents decided to emigrate to the mainland from Puerto Rico. I had the good fortune to attend Hackensack Public Schools, an integrated system I may add. It is a very sad state of affairs in this country that our educational system has been dumbed down, starting in the seventies. We have not done our children any favors. The President spoke in plain, simple American English, there was nothing complicated about his language or his use of syntax. I do not want to drink beer with the President , I want the President to be superbly well educated and to be able to communicate with the country in a direct and easily understandable manner, this President does just that. Apparently his only sin is that his skin is not white, so much for the so called “post-racial” era of our country. And yet, the racist, uneducated segment of our society wants to make English the official language, I would suggest that they learn to speak, read and write it first. Then we will discuss it, but I rather think not, the USA is the only advanced nation that I can think of where the citizenry only speak one language. That does not reflect very well on us at all. If I sound like I am not a “Happy Camper” about our country’s future, then I plead guilty.

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