Monday, May 28, 2007

All Work and No Play...

If you're looking for something fun, it's not here. From what I've read, all the fun was here (new flashy look too). So it goes.

The weekend started Friday with me working from home. Unfortunately I actually had work to do and spent most of the day cooped up in my house fretting over someone else's poorly written code. It's one thing to frett over my own crappy code, but to be stuck with someone else's the Friday before a three day weekend kinda sucks. When I couldn't take any more of it, I jumped on the fixie and rode to Paoli to pick up Jen's car from the shop (when one goes down, they all go down). We finally got her AC compressor replaced. The ride over was hot and sweaty. The ride back was arctic cool. She'll be so happy. Get home, cut the grass, then throw back some beers. Jen's old beer club from her last job wanted her back, so we've got a whole case of stuff I'm not really liking. Read some reviews here.

Is it because I'm getting old, I'm tired or allergies, but my eyes stop working about this time every night? They dry out and just want to close.

Saturday we're up with some chores around the house (yep you guessed it Trim!), then off in search of an umbrella for our deck furniture. I think we got the umbrella, but no pole. I think it's on its way.

While we were out, we picked up a pressure washer. I still needed to clean the pool cover and various other dirty things a pressure washer would be good for. After the leaf blower incident last fall (I bought one cheap enough for the budget, but not powerful enough for the job), we decided on a gas powered "weekend warrior" one. Got it home, unrolled the pool cover, fired up the washer and realized the cover had holes in it. Fold the cover back up and look for something else to blast.

The chair on the right was freshly blasted. The chair on the left was dirty and trembling. Since it's kind of hard to tell the difference, here's a better example.

The problem with "toys" like this is they become work real quick. You make a clean spot, then realize it's going to take all week to make it all clean. That sucks. Can I return this thing?

Crap. Just realized I got out of sequence for the weekend. The pressure washer was bought Saturday, but I didn't put it together till Sunday. Not sure what the hell I did Saturday afternoon. I'm sure it was drudgery and not nearly as productive as I would have liked. Hmmmm. I went swimming - I think. That's when I discovered a new "feature" of our pool.

I put this pump in last summer, so it's new as far as pool pumps go. There shouldn't be water anywhere but inside it. Now if you've been following at all, you've probably noticed this pool of ours has some issues. It probably sounds like every nightmare you've ever heard about pools. Most of that's true - sort of. I grew up with a pool. My parents have had a pool (their second now) for 14 or 15 years. They're great (pools). When we were looking for a house, one of my requirements was a pool. That's what we got. The house is 20 something years old. The pool is around 18 I think. Imagine driving a car that's 18 yrs old (I have one of those too). They need work from time to time. Luckily an 18 yr old pool has a lot less parts then an 18 yr old car and I've replaced most of them with the pool. Last year it was mostly learning what was wrong and replacing the culprit part. So far this year, it's been a little harder. I know what's wrong, but the labor required to fix is more then I can afford (time mostly) right now. In the meantime, the chemicals are balanced and the water is quite refreshing.

Moving on...

Sunday I got up early, met FatMarc (another flashy new design, did I miss a TPS report?) and did another century. It was mostly uneventful - exactly what I wanted. A little drama in the beginning and end, but the middle was do your pull and hang on. Rob documented it better then I could here. Though I do have one thing to add. I think I hurt worse from sitting in formation making sure all my shit's straight then I do from riding the miles. For those that don't know, when riding the road you typically get in some kind of pace line. A pace line, whether rotating or holding steady, lines everyone up to share and benefit from the draft of the lead riders. The problem is you're usually rolling at a high rate of speed inches off the rider in front of you, behind you and possibly next to you. After four hours of making sure my tires and elbows don't freak someone out, I'm mentally wasted and achy. There's little room to stretch or relax for an obsessive-nut like me. Just look ahead, spin smooth and hold steady. Feet go numb? Hold straight and spin steady. Neck sending shooting pains down your spine? Hold straight and spin steady. Wanna slow down or check the scenery? Hold straight and spin steady. Not that I'm complaining. It's more like sharing for those that haven't had the privilege. Like I said, it was the perfect ride for the ride I needed this week.

So the pressure washer deal was Sunday after the ride. After that we hit Kooma for Sushi. Mmmmmm. Beer and raw fish! My favorite! As we were finishing dinner it started to storm. I had to run down the block to get the car in the rain to pick up Jen. By the time we got home, it was over, but not without leaving its mark. Luckily the puddle wasn't as big as last time, but still a puddle where a puddle shouldn't be.

Monday morning it was up early and drive FIVE hours for this.

Your guess is as good as mine. Honestly, I was just happy my truck was able to go five hours without leaving me somewhere I didn't want to be (again). After the trip to Frenchtown (NJ), it was home for more trim work and a quick fix of the leaky roof vent.

It's not pretty, but neither's your uvula.

I'm done. It's past my bedtime, I've got dishes to do and my eyes have nearly quit working all together.



Blogger robert said...

haha, your umbrella has no pole.

May 29, 2007 9:06:00 PM EDT  

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