Wednesday, May 23, 2007

His Side

The weather was beautiful today. I had to go for a bike ride. All dressed up in my matching Pearl Izumi outfit I headed out north on Creek Road. The weather was perfect - low seventies, little humidity and a slight breeze. I was really enjoying the meandering road along the Brandywine. Down near the old mill I see another cyclist pulling out onto the road. From a distance I can see he's no ordinary road cyclist. He must have come off some ride on the Struble trail. As I approach, I see my suspicions are confirmed. He's riding some kind of Franken-bike. Maybe it's an extra large BMX bike, because it has only one gear and no rear brake that I can see. Maybe there's a coaster brake? He's also got a backpack stuffed full of who knows what. There's a plumbers snake strapped to the back of it. Is he some kind of plumber cyclist? How gay is that? Anyway the road is pretty curvy and there's lots of cars. I wait to pass him when the road straightens out. It was really kind of funny. He'd pedal like crazy on all the downhills, like he could actually go faster and stay ahead. Not sure what was going on in his head, but it was time for me to ride on. The pavement got smoother, so I dropped down a few gears, grabbed my drops and tried to put some distance on him. I pedaled hard for a half mile or so, then let up some. Next thing I know, the goofball is coming around me with a sneering "Now I'm on your left" comment. Whatever. The day was too beautiful to waste on this. I let him go. He'd have to be turning off soon. I can't imagine how far you'd go on that bike with all that stuff strapped to your back. I rode on enjoying the scenery and the day. It really was beautiful.



Blogger robert said...

well played.

depending on the goggles, everyone is just a ____ fish in a ____ pond. shit talk is just part of the swim. one more reason to love the bike.

May 28, 2007 6:02:00 PM EDT  

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