Monday, January 8, 2007

Father Knows Best

So I've got a car that won't pass emissions. The stuff coming out the pipe is fine, but the computer check fails. My mechanic tried all he could, then suggested I take it to the dealer for their expertise. Off to the dealer it goes (it's been there a week now). The dealer, after much analysis, admits he's not real sure either, but thinks maybe a new Mass Airflow Sensor will do the trick. Ok fine. He sounds like a decent guy, let's try a new MAS.

When relating the story to my Dad, he gets all gruff and says "Get a used computer and replace it." I'd like to agree with my Dad, but the dealer should know what he's doing right? A new (new to me) computer seems too obvious.

The dealer calls today. The MAS didn't fix it. He's located a used computer, should have it Wednesday.

Now I'm suspicious and annoyed. If computer was second on the list, why didn't he do it first? It is the computer that's failing. I've got a new part in my car that didn't need replacing. What happens to the old part? It's probably just trashed. We've wasted $$ on parts and labor we didn't need. Meanwhile I have another car that does need labor and parts that now I can't pay for. Cars suck.

All because I was a stubborn ass and should have listened to my father in the first place.


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