Quantifying the Yardwork
The ice storm we had back in February was quite a doozy.
People all over our area are still working hard to get things cleaned up. You can hardly drive a hundred yards without seeing a pile of limbs waiting at the edge of the road for chipping.
Over the course of the last four weeks, we’ve been taking care of our situation.
First we rented a 6″ chipper from Home Depot and managed to clean up roughly 75% of the limbs in our yard.
Next we went to Grandma’s and drug 75% of her limbs to the curb for the township to chip.
The weekend after that we were back in our yard trimming additional limbs and raking up the piles of sticks everywhere.
This weekend it was more time with the chipper in our yard and Grandma’s.
So what does all this mean?
That Distance measurement on the Y-axis is miles.
I’ve been doing > 10 mile days on my weekends.
I’m tired.
– b