
This Week’s Yard Work

Did it the right way this time. We rented a 6″ chipper.

The chipper was pretty interesting. Didn’t take long to figure out it’s nuances and the proper chipping techniques. Though neither of us are without the bumps and bruises it will give you if you get whacked by the limb being pulled in.


We had it home and running by 11 am. We pretty much didn’t stop until 7:30 pm.


It was just over $200 to rent it for 24 hrs. That’s pretty cheap if you ask me.


Unfortunately 24 hrs wasn’t quite enough. We still have limbs that need cleaned up. Luckily they’re at the other end of the yard. Out of sight, out of mind.


Now we have two giant piles of wood chips to move/spread.

The Subaru came in handy getting it over to the other side of the pool. Getting it out wasn’t quite as easy, but only the Subaru could do it.


Still plenty of work to do. At least now our yard doesn’t look like a war zone.

– b

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