
It’s a Surprise

Jen gave the green light to get the girls a bike, so I struck while the iron was hot and found one the next day.

The plan is for it to show up on Christmas along with all the necessary safety gear.

Currently planning out riding strategies, so that we’re successful with this thing. Sitting them on it and letting them rip doesn’t have a high chance for success. One must have patience and proper expectations with these sorts of things.

It needed some work, and has been at the shop. The guys there, though slow, have been pretty cool and helpful. They’re lowering it (it’s adjustable), and helping to make it as tame as possible (without training wheels). An older model like this is nearly infintely tunable. We’ll start it out slow, and incrementally dial it up for them as they get comfortable.

Yes. It’s a 2 stroke of course.

Stay tuned for Christmas day when there will be lots and lots of pink dirt bike gear.

– b

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