
Triple/Double Infection

It’s been a tough 6 weeks for us here. I guess after getting through most of the winter without colds or sickness, we’re paying our dues.

Back in the middle of April, shortly after she’d gone to bed, Abigail got sick in her bed, then proceeded to get sick all the way down the hall to find Mom. I’d been at a happy hour for work. That was quite a smell to come home to after a few drinks and only appetizers for dinner.

A couple weeks back, Lauren came down with a fever of 104, then got sick all over our bed just before bedtime.

Luckily both were quick. They were each back on their feet and running the following day.

|Last week Abigail’s eyes started getting puffy and kind of oozy. One day she complained of ear pain, then that evening I warned her she might wake up and not be able to open her eyes. I figured they’d either crust shut or swell shut. She got lucky and they only crusted shut. Off to the Dr. she went. Turns out she had an infection in her ear, sinuses and eyes. Heavy dose of antibiotics she gets for 10 days.

Two days later Lauren had a similar eye infection. Luckily we caught it before it turned green and she’s not on as strong an antibiotic.

Fun fun.

– b

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