
New Endeaver

Jen’s been selling baby stuff on ebay and Craig’s List.

It’s kind of a slow process, but effective.

Now that she’s got her posting routine down, she can get the stuff up quickly. It’s waiting for the auctions to run or people to express interest and actually buy that takes the time.

Either way the stuff is moving. Our house is slowly clearing out and our pockets are lining with some cash.

The nice thing is the margins we’re making. Most of the baby stuff, we got for really cheap at outgrown sales (Jen usually only buys the heavily discounted stuff), got for free (other parents not wanting to deal with “the hassle” of selling their stuff), or bought at past season sales in the store.

Take a Baby Gap item she bought for $2 and it sells for $8 or better on ebay. It’s crazy.

So we made only $6 on that item, but we’ve got a lot of $8 sales to make.

You’ve probably heard this story before. We certainly have. We know people who have done the same thing, enough to have to pay taxes on the profits. Garage sales, yard sales, thrift stores, etc. provide almost an infinite supply of goods.

Not sure we’ll go that far, but we’re doing well so far.

– b

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