
The Pellet Game

The fall “shoulder season” has started and we’re testing pellets.

First up is a batch I bought from Lowes last year called Cheat River Hardwood Pellets.


So far they’re ok considering their price of $4.38/bag. I haven’t done any temperature tests on them, but have noticed a significant amount of ash in the ash pan. It’s pretty fine (little to no clinkering), but lots of volume. Probably an ok shoulder season pellet.

I picked up 3 bags of Pure Fire Biomaxx from Tractor Supply to try.


This years prices so far are definitely higher than last year. These were $4.79 per bag where something similar would surely have been at least $0.20 cheaper last year.

Haven’t made it to Home Depot yet to see what they’re offering this year. Also need to get back to Lowes, since I saw they have a new brand this year.

With the rest of this week being pretty mild, there probably won’t be a whole lot of burning.

– b

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