

I’m truly amazed at how well the girls have done with swimming this summer. Abigail’s pretty independent when it comes to jumping off the diving board and/or swimming around the entire pool. Lauren comfortably bobs along like a cork. Occasionally she’ll roll over and try to propel herself in a swimming like fashion.

After some older kids came over this summer to swim (with goggles of their own), Abigail and Lauren had to have goggles – though neither swims under water.

Since July the water’s been too cold (cold nights in the low 60’s) to manage a swim longer than 20 minutes for them, but that’s ok. They get their exercise and have a blast while improving their skills each time.

This winter we’ll start Lauren in lessons at the Y and continue with Abigail. Next summer should be even better.

My amazement comes from my memories of learning to swim being such a struggle. I still remember all the fear and anxiety at swim lessons with various instructors. To see my kids so comfortable and doing so well is very nice.

For more pictures of them swimming and hanging out in their goggles, check out the gallery here.

– b

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