
Let’s Be Friends

Abigail has this new thing she delivers in the middle of a reprimand.

Let’s say she throws something across the table or ignores a request to put something in the trash that shouldn’t be left on the counter.

At this point she usually receives a loud and angry verbal reprimand. In the past she’d get upset and probably start crying at the fact she was being scolded.

Now she tries to mediate the situation with something like “let’s all calm down and be friends again.”

It’s kind of cute, but also kind of annoying when she continues to throw things or still doesn’t put something where it belongs.

I guess we’ll have to work on what it really means to be friends.

– b

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There are 1 Comments to "Let’s Be Friends"

  • Angie FriedNo Gravatar says:

    What I understand her appeal to mean is, Grandma stop scolding me and let me continue to do what I want. I resist the urge to laugh and to cave in to her adorable cuteness and insist that she obey my requests.

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