
Camping was Awesome

Of course I can only say this after a full night of uninterrupted sleep.

It was actually very hard and lots and lots of work.

Continually I was reminded of things I should have done differently to make things smoother, but have forgotten all it since.

Abigail didn’t get to sleep (which meant neither Jeff or myself either) until 11 pm Saturday night. She was up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 6:15 am Sunday.

Though I took her pack-n-play and set it up, she ended up sleeping in her sleeping bag on the floor of the tent next to me. At some point she must have rolled out of her bag because I found her nearly under my legs face down between our sleeping bags. She seemed content, so I let her go. As the sun came up, she awoke from that position and I helped her back into her bag. That’s just how it goes sometimes in a tent full of sleeping bags and sleeping pads.

I think we’ll do it again for sure. Probably solo a couple of times before we meet up with Jeff and Miriam again. There’s a lot to learn and understand for a 2 year old without the distraction of a playmate.

Stay tuned for hundreds of pictures soon.

– b

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