
Climbing Lessons

Abigail loves her new climbing wall.

But not quite the way I would love it.

It’s funny having kids. You get all caught up in them being little people, then realize they’re not.

The statement “children teach you patience” for me means being patient in their growth. I can’t expect her to bang out V5’s (bouldering rating system for those that don’t know)  or V-anything for that matter.

At this point it’s all exploration and becoming comfortable with one’s environment.

Luckily for Abigail her environment contains a climbing wall, which she does climb – even excitedly, but not in any way someone experienced with climbing walls would.

She collects all her toys on the mat and has everyone in the house come downstairs. Then she might climb. Mostly she walks back and forth touching the holds and hanging from them.

Which is all good. It’s a start that has no expectations. She can hang or ignore it all without any problem.

At least the opportunity was provided. The environment established.

– b

ps. watching Abigail explore the wall has been a huge lesson for me. There are things she does surprisingly well and there are things she can’t possibly comprehend yet. All of which is a lot of fun for both of us. In the short time we’ve had it, we already know more holds are necessary and a lot of time will be spent downstairs this winter.

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