
Pool’s Open – Finally

Abigail helped get the cover off (riding shotgun in the backpack).

Water was clean and clear – benefit of using a solid cover.

While it was filling I did some maintenance on the pump.

Replaced the seals and the nicked seal plate between the pump parts and the motor. Can’t say it made any difference. Everything still leaks like a sieve. Give it a day or two and it’ll all gum up and seal itself.

Also tried to replace the three tiles that popped off over the winter.

Unfortunately what started out as only three turned to a shit-load during preparations. Three I can handle. A shit-load will have to wait for some other time or some other project lead.

The cover itself is still wadded up in a pile in the corner. Your guess is as good as mine as to when that’ll get cleaned and put away properly.

Right now the priority is the basement. Have to have all this:

removed by the time they get here tomorrow am. After discovering so much rot everywhere else, we decided it was prudent to get the brick out and clean up any rot that may be behind it now opposed to later.

Cause when it rains, it fn floods around here.

– b

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