
Abigail’s First Hike

Finally the weather cooled off, we had a carrier, and went for a hike.

It started out ok. Abigail just rode out back, but she never really got excited. She had this seriousness about her the whole time like “why are in the woods?”.

Periodically I’d use the camera to check her status.

Always the same serious look. Maybe it was the fact she’d only napped a half hour today? Maybe it was all the jostling. Finally her nose bumped the back of my head and she’d had enough. Luckily Jen came prepared.

And Abigail was back to some-what content, then we got lost.

Not really lost, just lost the trail. We were following a reroute that was started after the big storm this summer, then it suddenly stopped. Being too far in, we decided to bush-whack back to another trail. We found and made a walking stick for Jen and we were good to go.  Shortly thereafter we found the trail and headed back.

Abigail never really seemed to enjoy it, but she never really hated it either. We’ll have to try again on a day she’s had some appropriate napping.

To see additional pictures from this adventure, you can click here.

I’ve added this whole new Gallery thing to our website. You can see the index of everything here. The plan is to get more pictures on line with less manual processing. The blog will contain highlights and commentary, but the gallery will have the total picture show.

– b

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