Sunday, May 11, 2008

French Creek Race

So much work. Two full days actually. The race was Saturday, but we started Friday at 10am marking the course - in the rain.

At least we had a warm fire to dry out our gear and ourselves

Not to mention the home cooked fajitas

After a restless night under the fluttering of bats and pitter/patter of rain, we were up at 5am to get it going.

Overall it went pretty well. We had 450+ racers. Parking wasn't nice (a mile or more away), but we have to play by the park's rules.

There were certainly things we learned - things we would have done differently and things we regretted, but a lot of the feedback I got was positive. I'm sure if I checked the message boards (which I won't), I'd get a different perspective.

The Endurance part (the one I was specifically responsible for) went well too. We had to cut it back from 6 hours to 5, but I got the impression 5 hours was plenty for a wet day at French Creek.

Now it's time to clean up the mess. Looks like another long day.

- b


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