Sunday, December 2, 2007

Stop the Draft

Sure enough the little hike this morning wiped Gretchen out for the day. With her sleeping, we could get about the house and get some things done. I chose to finish the Bedroom Insulation job I started nearly a year ago, then chase down some more drafts.

I knew of this hole where the air conditioning line came in from outside,
but I had forgotten how bad it was. The gray you see on the left of it is duct tape on the outside. That's not really the best insulator. There was also some mouse (and spider) infested fiberglass insulation, but that had to go. I debated getting the official "large gap" spray foam, but decided a trip to Home Depot wasn't that necessary and used the regular spray foam I had.

Still don't know if the heat streak on the roof is fixed. There wasn't any tell-tale frost on the roof this morning. Maybe tomorrow.

- b


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