Saturday, December 1, 2007

Teacher's Pet

Albert loves Gretchen. Our puppy kindergarten class, that was at first an excuse for Gretchen to play with dogs her own size and age, has become Albert's (the instructor) time to dote on her. Twice now the other puppy hasn't shown up, so Gretchen gets private lessons. She's weeks ahead of schedule. She's comfortable with "down" (as in lay down) and learned "leave it" quite easily today. He wants a picture of her to post in the middle of his bulletin board. When given the right motivation - his treats are better then ours - she'll learn just about anything you ask.

After class it was yard work time. Jen assembled most of the R2-D2 Army, while I cut back the Wisteria and put out the bird feeders. After that and some afternoon coffee it was off to get a tree.
Each year we try to get more efficient with our tree selection. It just seems ridiculous to walk around and around looking for the perfect tree when you're just going to put it in a corner and cover with sparkley stuff. Though I'm afraid we were too efficient this year. This one is shorter than normal and I may have cut off too much from the bottom. Oh well. We'll just use more sparlkies.

Speaking of sparkle, check this out.

It's the tiniest little house down the street from us. As the story goes, the guy that lived there used to do this every year but has since passed away. His son now comes over every year to set it all up. Each year that we've been here, it's gotten bigger and brighter.

Just before Jen put together a fantastic cheese fondue for dinner, I jumped in the kitchen for this little repair.

On frosty mornings there's a streak of heat that runs up the backside of our roof like this

I thought maybe the gap between the wall and the ceiling over the kitchen sink might be the culprit, so I filled it with caulk. Now that I look at the pictures, the streak is to the side of the windows. Maybe that gap had nothing to do with it. I'll just have to wait till morning and see, though if we get the weather they're calling for I may only see a wintry mix on the roof.

Astrology entertainment? There's actually some truth to this.

I really hope this gets done. I rode the rail road bed from Exton to Paoli a few years back. Very scenic and very convenient for those of us that travel via two wheels and pedals.

- b


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