
100% Awesome!

I’m almost embarrassed to say it, but we’ve got a new Wii habit going. Back when I bought the Wii and Rockband for Jen, I also bought Dance, Dance Revolution. For some reason we decided to finally pull it out.

Basically it’s very similar to Rockband in that you listen to music and do various things to the beat at different levels of difficulty. Instead of using a drum set or guitar, there’s a dance pad for your feet with squares marked out for you to step in and you use the hand controllers for your hands. It plays covers of dance tunes from 10 years ago or older while some goofy announcer says things like “This is 100% Awesome” and “Nobody has moves like you do” while you’re tripping over yourself to score points in songs you’d normally laugh at.

As you move up the levels of difficulty it gets more rhythmically challenging by alternating what you do with your feet and hands with faster and more complex moves.

Jen laughs at me because I look like some kind of spaz all bent over standing off the dance pad shaking my hands to the beat then jumping on when a series of foot moves come into play. She’s more stylistic about it and actually looks like she’s dancing.

She forgets. It’s not like an actual club where you have to look good. It’s a video game competition done in the privacy of your own home. You get scored points for how many moves you successfully execute, not how good you look.

Last night I won. I went as far as scoring a double A where she only managed a C. That’s not bad in my book – considering I’m goofy white kid all bent over jumping around like I’ve got glass in my bare feet.

Maybe we’ll do a video. I’ll have to get some kind of winning streak going, so I don’t feel too stupid with the way I look.

Hopefully the game doesn’t die before Abigail is old enough to play. I can see that being a lot of family fun. It’s also very physical. It’ll be a good workout for everyone.

– b

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