
Something Isn’t Right

Gretchen’s behavior in general has been odd lately.

Not only is she eating anything she finds on the counters, she’s spending more time outside on bathroom breaks.

Usually you have to push her off the deck to get her to go out and pee.

Lately she’s been staying out longer and longer.

Obviously she’s out eating stuff.

Stuff she shouldn’t.

So why the sudden hunger desperation?

Yesterday ended ugly.

Diarrhea in two different locations downstairs.

What’s worse is she didn’t even warn us. She just did it.

So she slept downstairs last night.


Today was better. She’s eating chicken and rice and taking it easy.

We’ll see what’s next.

– b

ps. I know what’s next. The kids will coincidentally get sick and stop sleeping for a week. Shoot me now.

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