
Daddy’s Big Day

Jen’s going back to work in a week, so yesterday we ran some tests.

First Jen took Gretchen to the Vet. for a checkup on her paw. This coincidentally occurred the same time Abigail was to be fed. No problem. I grabbed some previously pumped bottles and did the feeding. Feeding done it was time to play, so we hung out in front of the mirror for a while

Tired of that we went outside for a brief walk around the yard. Then tired of that we went back inside to hangout. Inside turned out to be best. The cleaning ladies (arrived earlier) were now vacuuming and the sound of the vacuum had a profound effect on Abigail. She got very very sleepy.

Within a few minutes, I was able to put her to sleep.

Jen came home and all was good. Daddy and Abigail passed the first test with flying colors (thanks cleaning ladies for the cheat).

Second test didn’t go so well, and the second test was the one that really counted. I was to handle the first feeding or any waking before 4am. She went to bed at 10:30pm. At 1:15am she awoke as did I. I had a bottle ready to go. All I had to do was give it to her.

Easier said than done.

The few times I’ve been around when Abigail wakes in the middle of the night, she doesn’t exactly completely wake all at once. She starts with a little fussing, mouthing for the breast, and waving her arms (for the breast) all while she’s still half asleep with her eyes closed. If this goes on too long before the breast gets there, we have a totally awake pissed off melt-down only consoled by the breast.

You see where this is going?

In the moments when she was half awake looking for the breast I gave her a bottle. That didn’t fly. She knew right away it wasn’t what she wanted, woke up and screamed. I tried again. She screamed more. Half asleep myself and wanting this to work, I tried again. Now she’s really screaming. Jen came in sat down and gave her the breast totally defeating my objective of keeping Jen asleep till 4am. She only gave her enough to calm her down then I took over with the bottle. She drained 3oz. and fell right back to sleep by 2am. She didn’t wake up again until 5:15am.

It wasn’t anyone’s fault she was given what she didn’t expect at that hour, but we’ve got a week to work it out before Jen goes back to work.

– b

ps. the binky shot was kind of staged. She doesn’t really take a binky. She only held it long enough for the shot.

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