Saturday, January 10, 2009

Week with More Details

What started out rough, didn't get any better. Both garage doors decided to quit. The plan was to hold out and replace all the garage door openers when we got around to replacing the garage doors. Apparently the current openers were not on board with that plan.

Now I'm stuck manually opening and closing the doors (they don't have springs, though they are fiberglass) for Jen's car. I have no idea when I'll have time to replace them.

Just when that hit, my USB hub extension cord decided to tie itself in a knot. I know what you're thinking it's just a cord, but it's the little things that are killing me. You'll see. They gang up and pummel you.

Flanking from the right came the check engine light in the Mazda. I suspected something was up when the mpg dropped below 30 and I had to add a quart of oil to it, but I really didn't need that little orange light winking at me. Whatever. It's managed 212,000 miles and is retiring at the end of the month. Wish I could say the same.

Of course there was work everyday, all day and into the night. I lost track the number of nights I was the last one in the building, walking to the last car in the parking lot,driving home wired and tired to eat some burnt pizza (my fault) drink a beer or two, then crash into bed to only have to do it again the next day.

We had a demo scheduled with the VP of development on Friday. On Monday I thought there was no way we'd have anything ready. Everything seemed to fall apart and then get worse as the week drug on. Somehow Thursday that turned around. We actually had enough to demo.

In the end it turned out well or at least well enough for the VP. Next week is the big show with the CTO. Hopefully we can keep it together and polished enough till then.

Almost forgot. The bamboo got iced and came down again. Came down hard.

The metal handled broom I usually use to knock off the ice actually bent this time.

Four days later there are still piles of ice in the driveway. Our pine trees took a hit too. I could hear the branches cracking and falling to the ground. I kept waiting for them to crash into the neighbors fence or our pool. Luckily we got away with only a truck load of dead branches.

- b


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would take the mazda and drive as fast as I could thru the bamboo. Seriously I know that stuff spreads like crazy, but you should try and cut it back. What a pain. you can't even get out of your own driveway.

January 12, 2009 9:14:00 AM EST  
Blogger JenBob said...

Yeah. It's horrible having to be late to WORK.

Really the bamboo is a blessing.

There's plenty of other nuisances I'd mow down with the Mazda before I got to the bamboo.

January 12, 2009 9:00:00 PM EST  

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