
Satruday’s Big Adventure

Since Abigail and afternoon naps don’t seem to mix very well, we decided to all go out and do some shopping.

First up was Baby’s R Us. We’ve been decorating Abigail’s room (more on that later) and needed some more stuff. I popped her in the bjorn and away we went.

Abigail and I spent half the time looking for Mommy, which was cool cause I looked like the single Dad hauling his daughter around for diapers. Lots of smiles and fluttery eyes from the ladies.

Next it was a quick meal for Abigail before we ourselves grabbed a bite to eat. We parked off in the corner of an empty lot. I kept waiting for a mall cop to come blazing up with his yellow flashing lights only to embarrass himself, but I wasn’t so lucky. Here’s Abigail in her best burp pose.

We decided on Sushi for dinner. There’s a not so great place we’ve been to a couple of times. It’s convenient more than anything. This time they were awesome! Not because the Sushi’s better (though the Boston roll was interesting), but they were real accommodating for us and Abigail. They had a pseudo kid area where they seated us next to another couple with a youngster (a year or so). They even flipped the high chair over so Abigail’s car seat fit down inside nice and secure (I’d check the cleanliness of the tops if your kid sits in them correctly.). Here’s Abigail making googly eyes with the little boy next to us.

As our food came, she started to get a little antsy. Not too bad, but we knew we couldn’t dilly-dally. As soon as I was done, I took her out to the car for a change of scenery and a diaper check.

From dinner it was off to Lowes to look at carpets. This isn’t the best of shots, but I like her hair and expression. It looks like she’s along for one fast ride.

Abigail and her mother discussing which carpet should go where.

In the paint isle, Abigail was amazed by how many different kinds of paint brushes there are.

We didn’t find exactly what we wanted at Lowes, so it was off to Home Depot. By this point we were really pushing our luck. Abigail was so overwhelmed we decided to wheel her around in the stroller.

At which point she promptly fell asleep.

All in all a successful adventure. We didn’t really get all that we need for decorating (some design skills mostly), but we didn’t have any melt-downs and maybe proved to ourselves we can get out with the baby.

– b

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