
New Boss

Sort of around this time last year the company “let go” my boss’s boss. He was kind of instrumental in getting my promotion and getting me relocated to Boston.

In the Julyish timeframe they hired someone new. She had a track record of 2 year stints at various technical companies in the Boston area. Now she was going to make her mark at ours.

It started out bad, then it got worse. Then it got really bad.

A bunch of people left.

Finally it started to look better. Then it got a little better.

Things were maintaining a level of so-so, but now she’s gone.

I don’t have the details, but it obviously didn’t work out for whatever reason.

This time the company promoted from within. It’s a good thing so far. Hopefully it stays that way.

Obviously I’m only saying so much, but that’s all that’s public. Hit me up offline if you’re interested in more conversation around the situation. There’s certainly more to be had.

– b

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