
Sick Still

My cold got worse again while I was away this week.

Jen, whose been sick now for a week or two, went to the Dr. only to find out she has/had Mono.

We think it originated with the kids. They each had symptoms, but it hardly slowed them down.

I went to get tested and the results showed trace signs of me having it. Dr. highly recommended against me going to the ADK this weekend for my annual guys back country cabin trip. Mono apparently is more unpredictable and severe in adults. The Dr. didn’t want me risking organ failure 4 miles into the woods without access to immediate emergency care. Seemed wise enough to me.

Jen’s definitely on the rebound. The worst for her was a sever sore throat and swollen glands. So far I’m just sleeping a lot and have intermittent headaches. I’m still dealing with congestion too. Not sure if the sleepiness is Mono, or just exhaustion. I’ve been on the road a lot and working hard. I could just be catching up.

– b

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