
Doing Some Travel

After 3 weeks (business days) away, I’m finally home for a week.

The new job is going ok.

It’s a lot of work.

I probably spend at least 3 nights a week working after the kids go to bed (if I’m home), and around 10 hours on the weekend.

I’m hoping that slows down or I at least get a better handle of things.

Part of the problem is that we’re kind of blowing things up operationally at work. We’ve been doing things a certain way for too long and it’s not working out. Time to try something new.

On the house front, Jen talked to a number of contractors last week for estimates on our bathrooms. As some of you may know, we took the shower out of our master bathroom 10 years ago, and hadn’t gotten around to putting it back. That needs to get done.

I’ve looked at a few houses and neighborhoods in the Boston area. It’s REALLY expensive. In the short term the promotion will likely feel like a demotion with pay reduction because of the housing expense up there. Hopefully I excel as I plan to at the position and raises come soon.

The kids are great.

That’s it for now.

Sorry no pictures. They’re too much work.

If you want to see pictures, you need a Flickr account then give me your account id.

– b

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