
Catching Up

Been busy obviously. Not even sure why. Can’t even keep up with my email anymore.


As you know Jen got Epi-Lasik two weeks ago now. That first weekend was tough, but things are progressing.

While she was locked up in the dark sleeping all weekend, the girls and I headed out for adventures (one of those adventures will get it’s own post).

Lauren had a birthday to go to – one which I could simply drop her off. Abigail and I went grocery shopping.

She dreaded it, but we made it fun anyway.

While still waiting for Lauren’s party to end, we went to a nearby park that has this cool climbing feature.

That was fun. She enjoyed that.

We’d also gotten a set of orange cones for dirt bike “training”. I set up a course through the yard to practice staying in line, braking and turns. That was fun too.

I threw in some bumps to make it more interesting.


That’s about all I remember. I’ll have to get the other post together as there was a lot more fun that day.

– b

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