
New Dishwasher

Our old dishwasher (a Bosch given to us a few years ago) decided to die last week.

We hate that dishwasher (too small among other issues), so repairing it wasn’t really desirable.

Getting a brand spanking new one wasn’t really in the cards either. If we plan to redo our kitchen/appliances in the coming years (we do), the new dishwasher now would be “outdated” by then.

Next option – Craig’s List

Jen found a brand new dishwasher out of a model home that had been rarely used. When they build these neighborhoods that take years to sell there’s usually a “model” home that has all the premium stuff. When it finally sells with the rest of the neighborhood, it’s premium stuff is now outdated and usually gets replaced. These rarely used/couple of years old/premium items then get sold for cheap on Craig’s List.

Problem solved.

Picked it up Sunday afternoon. Had it installed and running by Monday night. Needed a drain hose extension, which I picked up Monday.

It’s really quiet, and I don’t even have the bottom panel on yet.

It’s funny. None of our appliances match now, and can’t say I notice. I guess it has more to do with resale in the long run.

Dishwasher count since we bought the house almost 12 years ago – 3 (at least).

– b


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