
Very Busy Mild December Weekend

The last two weekends were busy too, but I’ll have to try and get back to them later.

This weekend started with another assault on the mice. Set 5 traps and caught 2. One of the traps obviously didn’t have enough thread wrapped around the peanut butter.


I use thread wrapped around the bait to prevent just this situation. Didn’t use enough that time. Don’t worry. It’s reset and covered with thread.

Then it was outside for most of the rest of the weekend. It was sunny and just over 50F°, so outside was a must. Spent most of Saturday finishing most of the leaves. Only thing left is the pile around the play set they were jumping off of a month ago. Not sure when I’ll actually get to finish that.

Today was mostly chores like putting away the deck furniture, covering the sandbox, and taking down the tire swing.


That’s where the chain I used for the tire swing dug into the bark of the limb. Will have to do something differently about that next spring.

I also managed to cut some butterfly bushes, re-attach our solar panel snow dam/avalanche heater thingy, and get the tree inside for decorating.


If you look close, you can see the girls excitedly waiting just inside the door.

But they also spent lots of time outside.


And that’s about it.

– b

ps. got the outside holiday lights up to.

pps. you know since I got season passes for skiing for Abigail and I this year, it won’t snow.

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