
The Dirt/Enduro Route

As I mentioned before, some friends were getting into dirt/enduro bikes.

A couple of guys I know had gotten this or that, but in the end it was no big deal.

Then Craig went and pulled the trigger. Craig got a Honda 250 dual sport.

Damn it Craig!

Still not convinced it’s the right path or investment for me, I decided to get the old MX working and try things out.


Sure it’s 35 years old (and probably too small), but it’s nearly free. Just some $ to get it running and a few $ for some gear…

IMG_5366 eBay find

And I’m off to the races – er trail.

We’ll see. I have no expectations. Mostly curiosity at this point, but at least my investment is significantly lower than others I know. Yes I say that all proud with my chest puffed out, while Jen dismissively shakes her head.

– b

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