
Last Ski

We went March 22nd.

The conditions weren’t as nice as the week before, but still good enough to get out and ski.

Lauren again got the “Most In Control Skier” award.


She did make reference to her previous face plants, and made it clear she doesn’t want to do that again. Hopefully she forgets all about that next year and tries to have fun again.

Speaking of fun, Abigail spent a lot of time on the rails and jumps again. Don’t get me wrong. I have no intention of making her a stunt spectacle. I’m far more interested in making her a damn good skier than ski slope side show, but the rails and jumps do challenge her and that I think is worth it.


She didn’t get far with the rails in the “family park”, but she did get the jump at the bottom. She was all excited in telling me that she didn’t have to do anything and the jump made her get air, which is obviously the case when you hit a large bump with speed.

It was a great last day, and we were having lots of fun until we came back down to the lift at 4 o’clock and it was closed.

Oh well. See you next year.

– b

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