

Looking at the forecast for the weekend last week Saturday looked like the best option to go skiing.

Though it was supposed to snow 2 – 4″ and have a single digit windchill in the morning, it was better than the high 40’s and rain predicted for Sunday.

Jen’s biggest concern of course was driving in the snow. Just because we had the new Subaru (all-wheel drive & traction control) wasn’t enough. “There’s the other idiots on the roads,” she would say.

Finally convinced with the “good car seats” strapped in and all the gear loaded we headed up shortly after lunch.

By 2:30 we were on the slopes. The cold and snowy slopes.

We took a run, then put the girls balaclava’s on for more warmth/protection.

All bundled up they were loving it for about 2 hours when we had to go in and warm up by the fire with hot coco.

Warm and toasty again we headed out for more.

We skied till about 6:30, then headed home stopping at a pizza shop on the way for dinner.

The girls did great again. Abigail was skiing entirely in control of her own accord. She’s even hitting the intermediate slopes comfortably. Lauren, winner of the most improved, is now skiing top to bottom entirely by herself. No longer was I skiing backwards in front of her. Instead I skied next to her or had her follow me while doing turns back and forth across the slope. She’s really exciting to watch. Though it wasn’t without mis-hap. In all she face-planted three times that day. The third being the hardest against her goggle (see her cheek). I thought for sure she’d have a black eye the next day, but luckily did not.

We got home safe, but late and put everyone right to bed.

That’s probably the worst conditions we’ll see for a while. The skiing was great, but the wind and wet made it tricky. Everyone pulled through like a trooper, and wished for more.

More they shall get – next weekend.

– b


ps. a highlight for the girls this trip was skiing through the woods. Lauren I held between my legs, but Abigail followed on her own. They were ecstatic. I’m pretty sure I’ve got a serious pair of ski demons on my hands. Abigail’s already talking about how she’s “bombing down” the runs.

See all the pictures in the gallery here.

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