
Don’t Push the Button

It was 10:30 pm and 9°F as Craig and I headed out the door of Camp Peggy O’Brien three and a half miles into the Adirondack wilderness.

Three members of our group hadn’t been seen or heard from since 2 pm, when they decided to split from other members and take a different path.

We had no way to communicate with them. We had no idea where they were or what condition they were in. To look for them ourselves would be a mistake.

The separated members did have their own Spot device, but we had no way of knowing if they’d used it or not.

Our plan was to hike the three and a half miles back to the parking lot and call 911. Either a rescue would be initiated or we’d be informed a rescue was underway. Craig and I would stay the night in town, then head back to the cabin in the morning.

Three quarters of the way down the trail we saw a headlamp and someone hiking toward us. I thought for sure it was a Ranger hiking in to tell us what happened.

Instead it was Jamie. One of the three missing guys.

Everyone was safe. The other two were staying in town for the night and planning to hike back in the next morning.

Yes. They had initiated a rescue themselves.

No. No one required medical attention.

Stay tuned for more.

See the pictures here.

– b

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