
20,000 Step Day

After a week of barely moving at all, sitting in meetings all day everyday, yesterday was quite a mover.

The biggest deal of the day was moving the new (to us) table that Jen refinished from the garage to the kitchen.


She bought it off of Craig’s List a year and a half ago. She liked it because the legs are at the 4 corners (our previous table had the legs mounted toward the center), which allows the girls to sit more comfortably next to each other between the legs on one side. Obviously they’re being silly and not demonstrating this.

With the table out of the garage (it’s been there for a year and a half), that meant Jen’s car could go back in.

Which was a really big deal for me. We have 4 garage spaces. None of which was used for our daily drivers. Hopefully the truck sells, and I can get my car in.

The weather was unseasonably warm yesterday. It got up into the 60’s, so the kids got outside.

They fought it at first, but once outside played a while with Robby from next door. Which meant they napped well too.

While they napped, I did the leaves. The new leaf blower is awesome. Where I used to blow leaves downhill, across the driveway and into the front yard to mulch, I could now blow half of that back up the hill and into the woods between us and the park. It took 2 hours of leaf blowing, but I got the majority of it done. I also made a huge pile for the girls.

Most of the Osage Orange leaves are down. There’s a few more on the oak and our Japanese Maple. I expect one more quick leaf day and I’ll be done for the season.

After mulching the other piles with the tractor in the dark via the headlights, I continued the work I started on the kids bouldering cave.

The plan is to have it ready for play by Lu’s birthday. We’re having a handful of little girls over to celebrate her third birthday and they’ll need room to romp.

Now it’s time to get back to the weekly grind. At least it’s a short week and there’s no school for the kids.

– b

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