
The Hard Years

I had no idea how much would be sacrificed the first two years (4 total) of having children.

Everything had to be given up for them – your time, sleep, hobbies, projects, relationships, etc. It all takes a back seat to their developmental success.

Not that I’m complaining – not anymore. It’s now that we’re at a point where I can look back and acknowledge it. I can say I thought I was in over my head. Simply deciding to have kids, being financially stable, less selfish, and some-what responsible was no where near the actual commitment and time it would take to make it happen.

I felt like no one prepared me. No one let me in on the secret truth to how hard it is. Now I know why. Now I understand the love and happiness you gain from it all trumps those memories – allows you to forget those few short years for the lifetime of goodness.

I just want my kids and their spouses to know, and I was probably told this though obviously don’t remember, that it is very very difficult. It will feel like forever. You’ll be at wits end, but it’s only temporary. It does get better, and there are plenty of really great moments as it’s happening. Just hold tight. The hard (infant) years (because I’ve heard teenage years are worse) will pass.

– b

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