
Dud Nights

My original focus for having this website/blog was to keep track of what we did and where we’d been.

Now that I have kids that’s still important, but there’s a new aspect too. It becomes a place for the kids to one day go back and see what we did and where we’d been. Not so much from a simple “oh look, mom and dad went to Aruba,” but more from a “Mom and dad went to Aruba before they were married. They pooled their money together and took a trip to a forign land in search of much needed rest and relaxation.”

Because I’ve learned if I try to tell them what they can do and how they can do it – even if just a suggestion, they won’t listen.

Hopefully if they read it on their own time and process it in their own way, they’ll get something positive out of it.

So back to the topic at hand…

My climbing has kind of sucked lately. Been in a bit of a lull I guess.

I remember in the cycling days being consumed with the thought that every ride counted – every ride had to feel good and powerful or you weren’t improving.

I guess it’s getting older and wiser that’s proven that’s not the case. Sure, being older might days of less power in more frequency, but being younger didn’t exclude me from having off days.

It just happens.

One week you’re flashing and/or on-sighting 5.11s, then the next you’re struggling up 5.9s.

There’s a lot going on in life. Things change. Things fluctuate.

You’ll have dud nights, days or weeks, but you’ll have a lot kick-ass ones too.

– b

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