
The (now) Colossal Shelf

Grandma Angie got a book shelf for Lauren months ago.

She was right. Lauren needed a book shelf. Abigail had one. Lauren should too.

The problem was Lauren’s room. Before she was born we installed MDF beadboard around the walls of her room. Being that it’s  a bookshelf, it must be anchored to the wall to prevent it from toppling over. Because the beadboard is four feet tall and MDF, while the shelf is shorter, that presented a problem. MDF is essentially compressed cardboard. Drilling holes through it (for the anchors), then going back and trying to cover them up (after the anchors aren’t necessary and the bookshelf is gone) isn’t something I want to tackle. It’s just never going to look the same. So the idea was to raise the height of the shelf higher than the beadboard and anchor through the drywall. Fixing drywall is way easier in my book, or at least we have enough experience with it to feel comfortable.

Finally after all this time, we get to the shelf and it’s shelf.


Yeah. It’s more MDF, but so far so good.

Nice shelf.

Yeah. We can’t just slap some fugly stuff to the bottom and make it work. It has to look nice too.


So add a little leftover beadboard, some trim, and paint and we should have something half-way nice.

We shall see.

– b

ps. yes. the two are connected to each other.

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