
Ski Season

Abigail and I headed over to the local ski shop (same shop I went to as a kid) to rent some skis for the season.


It’s a great deal. For a flat rate you get a pair of boots and skis. If they grow out of the boots or skis, you can come back for the next size without any additional cost to you.

I’d been debating taking her skiing this year. I was worried she wasn’t old enough, and had decided if they didn’t have boots for her it would be the deciding factor. She has tiny feet – like me.

Turns out they did have her size. They actually have two sizes smaller, so we could fit Lauren too. Definitely not sure about that.

Coincidentally I picked up some XC skis too.


For $27 /w shipping, I got the skis. Not bad for brand spankn’ new. Of course now we need bindings, boots and snow worth XC skiing in. XC skiing is a whole different ball game. Without tons and tons and snow (and lots more coordination), we might not even get to them this year. At least we have some kind of start.

– b

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