
Potty Training Lauren Day 2

Yesterday went pretty well.

Since the “quick training” method went so well with Abigail, we’re doing it with Lauren.

Lauren’s been “ready” since before vacation, so it’s definitely time to buckle down and get it done.

Starting at 9am yesterday we took off the pants and diaper and let her run free. Abigail did the same in solidarity, but the novelty wore off pretty quickly for her.

It didn’t take Lauren long to get the concept of when to use the potty. I seem to remember with Abigail it took a few puddles in the floor before she realized what we were trying to do.

So Lauren’s sticking point isn’t figuring out when, but more how. She routinely runs to the potty and sits down all on her own, but once there hesitates to go. Literally we’re in a holding pattern.

She’ll pee after a while, but poops are harder to come by. We had a similar issue with Abigail on her third day, but she quickly resolved it herself.

Overall I think it’s going well. Only time will tell.

– b

ps. Yesterday was a large kids clothing sale that Jen spent most of the day at scooping up the deals. I essentially ran the first day of potty training myself. No wonder I passed out at 9 pm last night.


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