
Is it Lyme?

Woke up yesterday with an upset stomach.

By the end of the day I was a shivering mess that couldn’t get off the couch to even eat.

I had undulating flu like symptoms/pains throughout my body.

Around 9 pm I started to get hot and sweat. The fever broke about 9:30 and I went to bed at 10.

Considering we were just in Maine and did A LOT of hiking and where the lyme disease is pretty bad, the thought crossed my mind.

Woke up this morning feeling pretty good, then my stomach decided otherwise.

So maybe it’s a stomach bug? As uncomfortable and temporarily incapacitating as that is, I’ll take that over Lyme any day.

– b

ps. The girls were pretty cute while I laid balled up on the couch last night. Abigail would occasionally come by with little kisses or soft stuffed animals to comfort me. Lauren would either come by with a gentle kiss or climb on top of me to “CRUSH” me as she would say.

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