
Dumb Dad

Today after Abigail’s first swim lesson we were sitting in the locking room drying off and getting dressed.

As I combed her hair – because you have to comb it or it gets all kinds of tangled – I thought back to last fall when I met a father at a birthday party who wouldn’t wipe his own kids noses.

He has three kids.

He doesn’t wipe any of their noses. He makes Mommy do it, then goes back and confirms with Mommy that she did it.

It’s not like he has an issue with snot or something. He simply doesn’t believe it’s his role.

That one just sticks around for some reason.

Not that I think he’s right in any way. More probably because I can’t figure out how to make it right.

– b

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There are 1 Comments to "Dumb Dad"

  • angieNo Gravatar says:

    You are too kind, he is not just dumb, he is an asshole. And what is wrong with her, she should straighten him out.

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