
Who’s Kid is That?

I have to step back every now and then and marvel at who/what my child’s become.

We get so busy between dishes, dinner, discipline, work, holidays, etc., we have to stop and watch, appreciate, love and prepare ourselves for the people they’re becoming.

In the middle of all this is her life – her world.

How is it shaping her? Will she be prepared? Can she handle it? Does she like it?

Can I handle it?

Will she remember the day(s) she peeled duct tape off the holiday light extension cords with Dad? Will she remember our re-enactment of the Crow and hawk fighting over the fish, while we counted the crows and turkey buzzards flying over head?

Will the gaps between that memory and others be like the ones I have from my childhood or something entirely different?

Not that I obsess about these things day in and day out.

Just when I see a picture like this one and am amazed by the girl that my baby is growing up to be.

– b

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