
Storage Upgrade

With all the pictures we take of the girls, we knew our 500 GB network storage would run out of room eventually.

Then Thursday night an error appeared in the log indicating one of the disks was at risk of failing. Not necessarily full, but possible failure.

Ok. Time to pull the trigger.

When we originally bought the device, 500 GB was its max capacity. Through the years and a couple firmware updates later, the capacity is much greater, so we went with the 2 TB (terabyte) option.

What’s really cool is it’s hot-swappable – no need to turn it off or anything to change a drive. Open the drive bay, pull out the old and pop in the new.

Then it initializes. Then it synchronizes. Then you’re fully redundant again, but only to the size of the smallest drive.

As you can see the initialization didn’t take the 17 hours it estimated. 5 hours to initialize, then almost 3 hours to sync.

Not bad.

Of course we’re still limited to the 500 GB of the smaller drive, so I’ll pop in the other 2 TB today. The process will run again and we’ll be fully redundant to 2 TB.


– b

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